A Prayer for us

My thoughts this week center around the spiritual health and direction of our church fellowship, and with that is a prayer found at the conclusion of our men’s study from Relational Christianity. I would ask that we would all pray this prayer, and make our hearts receptive and prepared to worship and draw close to God.
Father, draw us to Yourself. We have looked for answers in our methods and for power in our programs when what we need is You. Forgive us. You are the Spring of Living Water and we thirst for You. Grant that we might drink from the Source and not downstream where the water is muddied by words. Remind us that You are real. Reveal to us that You are here, with us. Father God, we are Your prodigal children and we long to come home. Receive us by Your great grace and tender mercy. Rekindle in us the fire of Your life. May our lives be the wick upon which the flame of Your love burns and thus bring the light of Your love into the darkness of our world.
Lord Jesus, move upon Your church by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Touch your Body and make it healthy, alive with Your presence. Express Your love to Your Bride and wash her with the water of Your Word that she might be beautiful in Your sight, without spot or blemish. Come and revive Your church, Lord. We love You, Father God.
In the Name of your Son, Jesus, Amen.
-Pastor Mike “between Sundays”